Boy playing Sing and Speak 4 Kids

Be Patient and Get Into a Routine

  1. Elicit curiosity
  2. Try several times, always in a quiet space
  3. Share your enthusiasm for learning
  4. Encourage children’s playful exploration
  5. Prioritize social interaction during learning
  6. Praise the process rather than the outcome

Consistency is Key to Success

  1. Schedule 3 days/times per week (5-10 minutes)
  2. Set an alarm on your phone
  3. Add to your Google calendar
  4. Put a reminder on your refrigerator
  5. Set up a quiet space – add pillows, a beanbag chair, or a regular chair.
  6. Talk to other family members about your time to spend with the child playing SS4Kids. Plan activities for your other children to do during this time
  7. Older siblings can be part of playing the game
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