Ways Your Family Can Volunteer Together

Volunteering together is an excellent way for families to give back to their community, bond with one another, and teach children the importance of service. With a little creativity, there are volunteer opportunities out there to fit any family’s interests and schedules. Here are some ideas to get started volunteering as a family:

Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or Food Bank

This is an ideal volunteer opportunity for families who want to directly impact those struggling with food insecurity in their community. At soup kitchens, families can prepare and serve meals together. Food banks need help sorting and packing food donations. These hands-on experiences teach kids empathy while letting them actively participate.

Pick Up Litter in Your Community

Grab litter pickers and gloves and spend some time picking up trash at a local park, beach, roadside, or hiking trail. This teaches kids to be good environmental stewards while immediately cleaning up a community space. Make an outing of it by packing a picnic lunch to enjoy when you’re done.

Get Crafty for a Good Cause

There are many charities that accept handmade items like blankets, hats, toys, and more. See if a local hospital would appreciate receiving tray favors or soft blankets made for patients. Or get creative decorating canvas tote bags to be donated filled with supplies to homeless shelters or domestic violence safe houses.

Visit a Nursing Home

Spending time with seniors in nursing homes or assisted living facilities is a rewarding way to volunteer that allows for lots of family interaction. Kids can read stories aloud, help call bingo games, make home baked treats to share, sing songs, make crafts alongside residents, or just lend a friendly ear.

No matter which opportunity you choose, remember that families who volunteer together learn the priceless value of giving back and how to foster community!

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