How to Celebrate Earth Day in Your Early Childhood Classroom

Each year on April 22nd, Earth Day serves as a tribute to the accomplishments of the environmental movement and serves as a reminder to prioritize the preservation of Earth’s natural resources for the well-being of future generations. With Earth Day just around the corner, we have a few ways to celebrate in your Early Childhood Classroom.

Classroom Recycling

This ongoing activity offers you and your students the chance to commemorate Earth Day daily. Establishing a recycling center in your classroom serves as an enduring way to engage with the principles of sustainability beyond the Earth Day festivities. Start by simply designating an empty bin and labeling it “Recycling.” Enhance the experience by listing recyclable items such as scratch paper, cardboard, clean plastic bottles, food boxes, and cans on a piece of paper taped to the bin. This initiative not only educates students about recycling but also instills a long-lasting commitment to environmental stewardship.

Classroom Composting

Establish a composting system in your classroom by acquiring an empty bin and taping a paper containing a list of acceptable compostable items for students. Suitable materials for the compost bin encompass food scraps, paper products contaminated with food residue, dry leaves, and shredded paper. This classroom compost bin not only facilitates the decomposition process but also opens opportunities for utilizing the compost in potential classroom gardens or plant projects. Students can contribute to decorating the compost bin during Earth Day festivities, fostering a sustainable activity that can engage them throughout the academic year.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Create a nature scavenger hunt for your students that they can do outdoors. By exploring and learning about their local environment, students gain a greater appreciation for the importance of protecting it. Overall, a nature scavenger hunt on Earth Day is a fun and educational way for students to celebrate and learn about the environment while promoting important skills and values.

Bottle Planting

Here’s a delightful hands-on activity perfect for celebrating Earth Day. Begin by cutting plastic bottles in half horizontally and recycling the top part. Then, with scissors, carefully create several small holes in the bottom of the bottle planter for drainage. Fill the bottom half with soil, and either plant the seeds or small plants. Afterwards, water the soil to moisten it. For an added touch, students can decorate their bottle planters with markers, stickers, or other craft supplies. This activity offers an engaging and educational experience, encouraging students to connect with nature and the environment.

Materials needed: cleaned plastic bottles (labels removed), soil, small plants or seeds, scissors, water, and optional decorations.

Read Books about the Earth Outside

Choose a suitable location outside of the school for your reading activity. Pick a selection of child friendly books that have to do with the Earth and read them to your students. Reading books about the Earth outside is a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day by connecting with nature, gaining knowledge, and fostering a deeper appreciation for our planet.

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