The Benefits of Honey

Benefits of Honey_Sing and Speak 4 Kids

It’s September, which means the beginning of autumn, and importantly, national honey month! Honey is a sweet fluid made by honeybees, using the nectar of flowering plants. Honey is included as a natural sweetener in many people’s diet, but you may be unaware of the health benefits of including honey in your diet.


Honey has several uses as an anti-inflammatory agent, working as a cough suppressant for children, as well as reducing throat pain. This soothing quality makes honey useful for recovering a strained or lost voice, as well as a sore throat.


Honey has been shown to be effective in several areas as an antibacterial agent, including its use in treating minor burn wounds and recovering voice after an illness. Additionally, honey is useful in moderating sugar for diabetics and promotes healing in diabetic ulcers.


Because of its antioxidant properties, honey has been shown to improve heart health, lowering blood pressure and regulating heartbeat, as well as relieving digestive pain.

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