SS4Kids learns about Our Living Languages in BC, Canada

Living Languages_Sing and Speak 4 Kids

In June 2022, CEO David Sonnenschein and CSO Annie Goeke visited Royal BC Museum to learn about First Nations languages and their significance to the culture and heritage of this region of the world.  As the UN declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples declares language to be a human right, this exhibit celebrates the resilience and diversity of First Nations languages in the face of change.

Through interactive stations, original artwork, video, audio and live engagement, Our Living Language exhibit is a way to learn about the complexity of these oral languages. It is believed that the children will bring these languages back to life and many are now being learned through song.

An example is this video of how Indigenous students from Manitoba’s Red River College learned Ojibwe through music that has the power to evoke emotions, heal and educate.

Learn more about Living Languages.

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