There are many benefits to using electronic media for children. However, it is also essential to consider the implications of electronic media exposure. A study …
Written by: Danielle Linboom, Intern Focusing the brain to receive, sort, and retain information is a complex process! Kids with sensory sensitivities may have even …
A study from Université de Montréal and McGill University is exploring the effect music has on the language of autistic children. Therapy involving singing and …
Written by: Danielle Linboom, Intern Currently, many autistic children receive an official diagnosis when they are still quite young due to increasing use of screening …
SS4Kids is proud to promote Music Mends Minds during National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. We have had the pleasure to attend a few of Los Angeles’ Music Mends Minds musical events and …
By: Dr. Christopher R. Harz, EdD, MBA Advisor for SS4Kids US veterans and active military with autistic children often wonder about two issues: Do families …
By: Sandi AndersonMother of SS4Kids team member, Joel Anderson Greetings Friends, This is an exciting month to honor Disability Employment Month because Joel Anderson has …
In June 2022, CEO David Sonnenschein and CSO Annie Goeke visited Royal BC Museum to learn about First Nations languages and their significance to the …